It’s Cold and Flu Season

Cold and flu season is here, and it is already a bad one. We want to remind parents/guardians that before heading to the emergency room, book an appointment with your family doctor or at your local COVID, Cold and Flu Care Clinics.

If you’re unsure if you need to take your child to the emergency room, you can:

Don’t forget to continue practicing other protective measures such as wearing a mask in indoor settings, hand washing, avoiding touching your face, staying home when ill and masking for 10 days after being symptomatic to help protect your children, yourself and others from viruses that are circulating.

The community spread is resulting in our kids and staff being off due to illness. As such, we will be reinstating our mask policy for parents and staff to limit spread and protect our Kinder Kampus family the best we can. Please review the covid screening link, and remember that children over the age of two should wear a mask after exhibiting symptoms of illness. We ask for your cooperation as we look to get through the winter season happy and healthy!

Resources from the Region of Peel